Fullservice supports Cigierre on french market

There are going to be 9 restaurants of El Rancho chain that by the end of the year will be converted into Old Wild West steak house, the flagship format of the Cigierre Group. After the positive experience of Lyon, Tolona and Paris, Fullservice will continue to support the Group in the role of general contractor and will allow the opening of Rouen based location in only 8 weeks. One of our teams has already in fact a French address.

Pets beauty spa and veterinary clinic Ca' Zampa by Fullservice

Ca' Zampa will be the very first integrative veterinary clinic and beauty spa for pets in Veneto, a new format which unites traditional veterinary services and beauty services for animals. As general contractor Fullservice will debut in pet world by providing for turnkey solution and will complete all interventions required in only 6 weeks.